Terms of Use

All information provided on and taken from my blog is at your own risk. You are reading my blog of your own free will.

Copyright Policy

I am the legal copyright holder of all material on my blog and no one else can use my blog information to reprint or publish without my written consent. All of my photographs are copyrighted and can only be used as stated in the usage statement.

Hold Harmless

All the information provided on my blog is for entertainment purposes only and I am not providing medical, legal or other profession advice. You are reading and/or using any of the information from my blog at your own risk.

Privacy Statement

I will not sell any of your personal or contact information to another company. I will not put your information on spam lists. But I am not responsible for the privacy practices of any of the advertisers or blog commentators.

Reserve Rights

I reserve the right to change the focus on my blog, to shut it down, sell it or to change the terms of use at my own discretion.

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