
Montenegro Map
Montenegro Map © United Nations Click to enlarge

Montenegro is a small country along the eastern side of the Adriatic Sea. It has tall mountains and deep bays. It is a little smaller than the size of Connecticut. It was never taken over by the Ottoman Turks, unlike the rest of the Balkans. It managed to defend itself or negotiate with the conquerors to remain independent. It has spectacular scenery with towns built along the shores of the bays.

How to get to Kotor, Montenegro

Montenegro can be reached by road from the surrounding countries. Cruise ships can enter the harbor of Kotor located on the Bay of Kotor from the Adriatic Sea. We drove from Dubrovnik, Croatia to Perast, along the Bay of Kotor and then took a boat to Kotor, viewing beautiful scenery along the way.

Trip Information

This trip is part of an Overseas Adventure trip called “Crossroads of the Adriatic”. We drove to Montenegro from Dubrovnik, Croatia. We toured by bus throughout the region, visiting Croatia, Bosnia, and Slovenia as well.

Perast, Montenegro

Perast, Montenegro with reflections
Perast, Montenegro © D. M. DeKraker

Perast is a coastal town. Towns along the bays are crowded between the coast and the mountains. The scenery is beautiful. We boarded a small boat and first went to visit Our Lady of the Rocks, then cruised to Kotor. Our Lady of the Rocks is located on a man-made island just off the coast of Perast. Rocks were dropped there by fisherman. Old boats and confiscated ships were sunk there with rocks. There is a legend about it’s creation.


The town of Kotor is on Kotor Bay, the deepest bay on the Adriatic, in fact, in all of Europe. Giant cruse ships can dock right at the town harbor. Click photo below to see the sea gate, Kotor from the Church or the Remedy and the Church of the Remedy from below.

The Old Town is surrounded by ancient walls. Kotor is a World Heritage Site with many old churches and former aristocratic mansions. Perched on the side of the mountain above the city is a church built in 1518 called Our Lady of Remedy. Many people like to climb up the old medieval wall to reach the Church of Our Lady of Remedy. It is the thing to do in Kotor. On my visit, most people my age had the good sense to stay in Kotor to shop, enjoy coffee and pastry or pizza and beer. But I had to climb. It was really steep with uneven steps, particularly for the first few switchbacks and I almost quit. But I persisted, the grade lessened, and I made it up to get my photos.


Overseas Adventure Travel Handbook


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Overseas Adventure Travel
Look for Europe tour, Crossroads of the Adriatic.
Related Sites
Tourist Information


Our Lady of the Rocks Legend


Wikitravel Kotor